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Category: edci335

Peer Review Pod 6: Impulse Purchase Behaviour

Hello Pod 6,

Great subject of Impulse Purchase Behaviour!

I like the diverse activities used (basic knowledge acquiring, role play, exit ticket and peer review writing posts). Using role play allows students to further understand and engage in the material. As such I think that this activity support diverse learners needs. In regard to the textbook that will be used I am wondering if you have a particular textbook in mind, if so, does this textbook have alternatives for students with exceptionalities? I know you talked about audio in the final paragraphs, but I am wondering about other exceptionalities too such as visual aids… Also, I like the idea of using Facebook as a platform to convey their learning, however I am curious on what the privacy and concerns could be related to doing this? Furthermore, having an exit ticket is a great way to check understanding and I would love to see an example of what would be included on this exit ticket, as I believe it can be a powerful learning device.


Great opening sentence about how teaching is “not simply presenting knowledge but to let them learn knowledge effectively.” This is crucial as you are addressing how we need to let them learn and in order to do so we need to provide the necessary tools! The relationship to cognitive theories is clear around the use of the textbook! I particularly enjoyed the point of connecting personal experiences as I believe personal experience supports understanding. I found the peer sharing activity 4 also beneficial as it supports collaboration and learning from others. I am wondering in regard to the final writing task if there could be an option to draw or communicate learning in a different format? Many of your activities use both personal experience and exchange ideas with peers which further supports learning. Under the constructivism approach you effectively address how students will learn to critical think and make decisions by forming assumptions about their chosen advertisement. This is a valid point and challenges students to address assumptions a pre-conceived stereotype, for example. I appreciate how you further elaborate on the importance of interests as this puts the learner at the center of their learning and how later on you further contrast this with traditional teaching. You also mention hands on learning, I am not sure if I understand how this approach will be relevant in your learning resource, but I think it is a great idea! Amazing quote by Younker (2020), I am a firm believer in inquiry, and I think guiding is a key concept for this method as you mention. I am curious if you looked into what type of inquiry your learning design can foster? For example is it a guided inquiry, free inquiry etc. Rebecca Bathurst Hunt and Trevor Mackenzie have a great diagram to further describe these! If a student after section one does not seem engaged or curious about the subject, I am interested how or what options would be available to that learner?

Learning context

I think this topic is appropriate and useful subject for the desired target audience of college and university students. I am wondering how many students your intent for each activity and how you plan to deliver these (centers, tasks etc)?  In regard to the second paragraph under that subject, I am wondering if you can generalize a bit less. From my understanding, I feel like you are saying all students have basic reading and writing, although this is true for almost all cases I think it would be beneficial to consider those who may have an impairment such as no hands for example how are they categorized within this statement of basic ability to write… I also believe that using the internet can cause barriers to all so saying that it will not pose a problem may not always be the case. I think these are great ideas and reasons to why higher education students are the audience; however, I do believe that it is important to be mindful of all circumstances. That could just be a misunderstanding on my part but would love for that to be clearer and more inclusive to all needs.

Learning outcomes

Very clear outcomes! I would maybe consider adding one for the section 1 activity as I think you mentioned it earlier but did not add it here. Could it be along the lines of students will gain more insight and interest of the subject through an introduction activity where they will learn from a textbook.

Assessment plan

Very clear and concise opening sentence. I like how you address that assessment. This ensures “learners have the information they need to meet the learning outcomes.” Great Idea to include formative and summative assessment! I love how you acknowledge that formative assessment supports the learning journey and how the true or false questionnaire is for learning purposes and not assessment. This is empowering as it allows learners to make mistakes and check understanding, quality statement.

I like how the summative assessment includes both the instructor and other students. As this allows for peer learning and collaboration. All opinions are valuable, and it is great that your learning design provides that option.

Inclusion of diverse learners

You effectively address the need of your two chosen exceptionalities (ESL and loss of hearing). You address loss of hearing obviously there are different extents to this, however sometimes talking is not clear as they cannot hear themselves (def or near def community). I am wondering if there is a different application that may further benefit this group and that all students can use as well! Great idea around using subtitles! Great tools to support ESL students! I like how you address the purpose behind the chosen 200 words great way to back up the claim.  Some may have privacy concerns with uploading a video to Youtube, what are your thoughts around this potential issue?


“The best method to help learners to learn is to find out what they want to learn and use the method they prefer to guide them.” What an empowering way to communicate the effectiveness of learning. Well thought out connection to learning audience and technology/internet! Perfect example of an alternative (audio) around the textbook. I really value the idea of using videos as I think this supports the diversity of learners and it allows all students to review much like you said. Thoughtful connection to Paskevicius and Irvine and your intents with your learning design.

All in all, I think you effectively created a useful and well thought out learning resource! I had so much fun reading and learning alongside your work! Wish you all the best!  Good work!

Response 4: Alistair’s blog post

Hi Alistair,

Really great post! I always like to use Ted Talks as they follow so many multimedia principles that support learning! I would have like to see the video embedded as it would have been easier to access. However through your reference list I still managed to watch and listen to the Ted Talk on Happiness! I value the importance of recognizing the students needs related to feelings and how you address an activity that allows the students to reflect on feelings. Sometimes I think feelings can be easily missed, and recognizing and providing time to think about them is thus essential! At the end of your blog post you also address the closing statement of the video, I know it is a broad statement however I personally think that having an open statement allows people to reflect.  By saying “the good life is built with good relationships”, this promotes reflection of what is “good” and how does this apply to my life. Also something I value in relation to inclusive education is the video allows learners to listen, watch as well as read (closed captions) depending on their needs and learning styles.

Post 4: Interaction

The following is the video (  I have chosen in relation to my interactive learning design subject of the water cycle.This video demonstrates a song and a dance in order to learn the main elements and the functions of a water cycle.

  1. What kind of interaction would the video require from your students? Does it force them to respond in some way (inherent)?
    • The interaction of this video would be for students to get up and dance. Dance pedagogy is powerful as it engages students to learn through movement. As such, students will be able to listen, do and visualize the concept (I would have a water cycle diagram or something nearby).
  2. In what way are they likely to respond to the video on their own, e.g. make notes, do an activity, think about the topic (learner-generated)?
    • This video would provide students to learn by doing. Therefore, they would be engaged through the movements.
  3. What activity could you suggest that they do, after they have watched the video (designed)? What type of knowledge or skill would that activity help develop? What medium or technology would students use to do the activity?
    • The activity would help develop movement skills, as well as recollection as a movement would be associated to a word or the water cycle. Therefore, the student may repeat the motion. The goal of this video would be to learn and do the dance to help support students understand the water cycle. Students would be able to do this by using Youtube and perhaps filming each other practicing using FreshGrade.
  4. How would students get feedback on the activity that you set? What medium or technology would they and/or you use for getting and giving feedback on their activity?
    • The students could learn this dance and at a year end, the students could demonstrate their learning through a performance that could be showcased to the parents. Students would be able to receive feedback from peers, review the video as needed as well as seek guidance from the instructor. The teacher could thus provide feedback using FreshGrade and videoing or through practices. For example, if the teacher notices someone doing something differently, they could address and review that part of the dance with the whole classroom.
  5. How much work for you would that activity cause? Would the work be both manageable and worthwhile? Could the activity be scaled for larger numbers of students?
    • I think this could be manageable and a great cross curricular activity (Physical Education and Science). It would be manageable for large numbers of students although a gym or a theatre may be a better place to learn it. I also believe that this activity would be fun and therefore the children would not see it as work but rather as a game. This could be difficult if you are not a dancer but upon reviewing the video, I believe anyone would be able to teach and do this dance. You could also make your own dance or let students make their own if you wanted. (I actually did a very similar activity when I was in elementary school and loved it!).
  6. How could the video have been designed to generate more or better activity from viewers or students?
    • The video could have further broken down the steps and taught the dance! However, the teacher can always do that too.
  7. How will you address any potential barriers for your learners in the use of this video to ensure an inclusive design?
    • Since it is a movement video it is important that if you have students who may not be able to participate fully, have alternatives for them. For example, if they can only use their feet provide steps, or if they can only use their arms provide arm motion. Now if they cannot do any movement, allow all students the opportunity to sing instead or to draw the steps out. Allowing choice to all students can benefit all learners.

Response 3 Victor’s blog

Response to Victor’s Inclusive Design Blog

Hi Victor,

I was drawn to your blog as it includes the main principles to the Universal Design for Learning! I find it very beneficial that their learning plan extends beyond just what is being taught in the classroom as it also takes into account previous experiences and knowledge. I like how you also addressed how various platforms related to assessment can benefit students and provided options related to mastery and online quiz surfaces such as Kahoot and Quizlet. This makes me think of how diverse platforms can serve different purpose of assessment (formative or summative assessment) as well as formats (multiple choice, long/short answer and speed (related to Kahoot quizes). I also agree that both choice and sharing previous experiences and knowledge is beneficial to create an inclusive and open dialogue in the classroom. It thus can help students learn from each other and understand their individual strengths and needs.

Post 3: Inclusive Design

Blog Prompts addressed 

  1. How will your interactive learning resource specifically ensure that the needs of all learners can be met?
  2. Choose one (or more) of your planned learning activities from your Blueprint and identify any barriers for student success. How can you alter or adjust your current plan to reduce those barriers?

For our Interactive Learning Resource, we decided to follow a “Learning Station Method” in order for students to learn the water cycle. This approach to learning helps all students learn based on their individual needs and strengths. As such it fosters a student-cerntered approach whereby the student is able to apply their skills through experiential learning. Our various activities will allow all students to explore and discover elements about the water cycle. The hands-on approach assists students to be engaged and learn by doing. However, it also supports all other senses as well as there are a variety of activities. The following resource ( supports how the learning station model is beneficial for students with exceptionalities and as said in the readings this is extended to the entire classroom as everyone has individual needs. Some of our activities include:

” Activity 1 – Solar Still: water, bowls, heat, lamp, plastic wrap, rock/weight

Activity 2 – Vocabulary: Vocabulary cards

Activity 3 -Evaporation: Thick paintbrush, water dropper, lamp, timer, buddha board, ruler, pencil,

Activity 4 – Condensation: Teacher Made model, Water,  Student graphic organizer, Zip-Lock baggies, Sharpie markers

Activity 5 – Precipitation: Glass Jar, Water, Eye dropper, Shaving Cream, Blue food coloring, Student graphic organizer

Activity 6 – Collection: Plastic bottle, Water, Rocks, Sand, Clay, Bin/bucket

Activity 7 – Water cycle model: Tea kettle, piece of cardboard, beaker, oven mitts, pencil, recording sheet,

Activity 8 – Water molecule game: Water cycle environment signs, 6-8 premade die, Water cycle record sheet

Activity 9 – Water wheel: Pre-Cut blank water wheels, Pre Cut water wheel covers, Colour pencils, Brass fasteners.”

Therefore, if we evaluate some of the barriers this could include reading difficulty, writing difficulty as such providing various levels within one activity could be beneficial in order to support all student’s needs. For example, in the vocabulary activity, there could be an online version. This online version could make it easier for children as it may have the ability to read the terms for the student.  As such scaffolding and providing options within all activities will allow more students to succeed. Notably another key example is the use of this site as it allows students to work at their own level. This approach of providing various levels and resources to all students also promotes engagement and desire to learn more.

All in all, I believe in providing all students with resources in order to support their needs. Whether that is providing activities with multiple levels and scaffolding tasks or having options for flexible seating and educational tools (noise canceling headphones or bike). Accordingly, we need to “teach to identity and to the difference” in order to support diversity as Shelley Moore would say. The following video describes uses a metaphor of bowling to describe how we as educators can shift our mindset to be more inclusive and how supports are useful for all students.

Response 2 Xuyao’s post

This week I have decided to respond to Xuyao blog post on Inquiry based learning. I also wrote about this instructional approach and value the things that Xuyao brought forward. In regards to their blog post, Xuyao emphasized some of the benefits notably student engagement which is derived from the fun and personal ways that Inquiry fosters. As well an Inquiry based model, helps develop  life skills notably communication and critical thinking. This makes me further understand the benefits of this instructional approach as it supports an inclusive model and allows student to be self motivated in their learning. Reading Xuyao blog post, made me make some connections to one of my previous classes ED-D 301, as engagement  can extend into what is known as the circle of courage and the four drivers of motivation. These underline a students ability to learn therefore are very important factors to consider. Furthermore, I thought it was beneficial how Xuyao’s post included a research article that demonstrated the effectiveness of inquiry related to science. I found this to be a great comparison with their chosen group topic as it showcases how students scored higher using this approach.

Instructional Approach: Inquiry-based Learning

Inquiry-based learning


An Inquiry based approach to learning is one where a teacher uses the students’ strengths and creates a plan in order to follow a student-centered approach. According to Ireland et al., (2014), there are 3 categories of inquiry the experience-centered approaches, the problem centered approaches and the question centered approaches. Under each of these categories there are subareas. As such please see the following diagram that explains the structure of inquiry categories imposed by Ireland et al., (2014):

Some other examples include the following photo which describes the various levels of inquiry as described by Trevor Mackenzie in the following photo:

Personalized Learning Using the Types of Student Inquiry

Here are some known Inquiry educators amongst Vancouver Island.

– Rebecca Bathurst,, she works in a Kindergarten classroom and follows this approach. Her Inquiry Mindset book which was written with Trevor Mackenzie is a very valuable resource. As well as her Instagram page.

– As well as PSII follows an Inquiry based approach (my brother actually attends PSII). To learn more about their approach, you can search Jeff Hopkins and listen to his TedTalks. Jeff also provides a fantastic diagram that shows us how to start an inquiry project. Here is a great resources for students and teachers to begin an inquiry project.

(photo retrieved from:

All in all,    “Inquiry … requires more than simply answering questions or getting a right answer. It espouses investigation, exploration, search, quest, research, pursuit, and study. It is enhanced by involvement with a community of learners, each learning from the other in social interaction.” (Kuklthau, Maniotes & Caspari, 2007, p. 2). As such, this approach helps expand the learning to go beyond the curriculum. It also engages student to value their strengths and work at their own pace. An Inquiry approach supports the diversity of student learners as it allows each individual to prosper at their own level and explore in more of a personable and in-depth manner. The following video addresses some of the key aspects to building an inquiry mindset and teaching approach 

My opinions on Inquiry-based Learning

In regards to inquiry based learning, I am a firm believer as I have found that inquiry allows students to seek and explore subjects more in depth it also allows students to be at the centre of their learning as they create their plan related to their interests and strengths. Furthermore, it fosters creativity and engagement. When seeing my brother’s projects and the process (he attends PSII), I truly value how the students are experiencing and using tools. As such, it is a very hands-on and cross curricular approach which helps support ALL students through a very inclusive and personalized approach.

Finally, here is another useful video as it shows an Inquiry model in the classroom and it addresses various perspectives around the benefits of this model for both students and teachers.

Association to blueprint and final assignment topic 

Furthermore, an inquiry approach does align with our project topic as our project focuses on center-based learning; where students will learn about the water cycle through various centre activities. Students will be able to explore and make connections, thus allowing them to follow a “Structured Inquiry model”.

Place in your final Interactive Learning Design

I believe Inquiry has a place in every design as it supports students to engage and explore subjects more in-depth. However, I do think that the experiential and collaborative models are more in line with our designed lesson plan as the children are learning from each other within the stations and trying out things to see what works and what does not. As such, I have included a resource that discusses some of the differences between Inquiry and Experiential approaches (


Ireland, J., Watters, J. J., Brownlee, J. L., & Lupton, M. (2014). Approaches to Inquiry Teaching: Elementary teacher’s perspectives. International Journal of Science Education, 36(10), 1733–1750.

Other Useful Teaching Resources

Inquiry Tools

Response to Codie Blog post 

Hi Codie,

I really like the analysis of your teaching styles. I appreciate how you recognize that you teach using a mixture of styles as I believe that is important as all students will show success differently and each situation may be different (as you indicated above). I also value that you addressed the importance of facilitating in a student-focused learning environment and how the constructivism style can lead to mastery and strong learning environments. Facilitating is powerful as it means that it is a two way process that the teacher is not only teaching but also learning and so are the learners. Therefore it demonstrates a collaborative model that supports diversity in learning.

Post 1: Learning, Theory and Motivation

Share a story about your best learning experience (could be a formal course or something more personal). Why did you enjoy it?

My best learning experience would have to be anytime I was learning at the dance studio. This took place in various forms as I was both a student and instructor. As a student I was learning new choreography and dances, whereas a dance instructor I was sharing my knowledge and passion for dance with younger students. Therefore, I was able to learn through my own dance classes as well as by adapting and learning from the diversity of students within the dance studio. There are multiple reasons for why I enjoyed this, and I believe one of which is that we were all motivated through a shared passion (dance), as such in the teacher role I acted as a role model to the students. As a result, students are practicing and enticed to learn, and that drive, and passion is something I strive to support in my future classroom. Learning is all about the journey it takes to get there and I believe this created steps and enticed students to practice skills to improve.

In relation to the reading around behaviourism, cognitivism and constructivism

  • Behaviourism is deemed to have learning be derived by a “stimulus and a response” such as a reward and punishment model. Behaviourism, however, has shaped our understanding as it allows us to understand the importance of the context of learning and how past experiences motivate or demotivate us to learn.
  • Similarly, cognitivism focuses on the role of what happens within the black box and how it influences behaviour and learning. However, this theory “moves the idea of manipulating stimulus (behaviourism) towards a focus on the idea of thinking and mental processing”.
  • Finally, constructivism is” learner centred” and generates the idea that the classroom is a collaborative model where we can all learn from each other as we each share diverse experiences and opinions.

Below are some key theorists in regard to the previously mentioned learning theories.

  • Behaviourism: Pavlov (classical), Thorndike (classical), Watson (classical) and Skinner (operant conditioning)
  • Constructivism: Piaget (individual) and Vygotsky (social).

In summary, I believe that the reason dance was my best learning experience is because it was not only my passion but also it was “student centered”; where the students are able to explore and be creative all while learning. As a result, I think this model is important to strive for as it motivates students by putting learning in their own hands. Similarly, this model could be used in regard to an inquiry project as the teacher guides and learns alongside the students. As such facilitating this model can help foster a dynamic and collaborative classroom. Also in order to motivate all students each student can then have an individual and more specific goal related to that lesson, thus making the learning more personal.

All in all, I believe that a mixture of various styles of teaching and learning is beneficial as all students are different and one situation or one student may result in using one style over another.


Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. (2018) Behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design persepctive. In R. E. West, Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology: The Past, Present, and Future of Learning and Instructional Design Technology. EdTechBooks.

ED-D 301 Class notes

James , H. N.  (2020a, May 13). Learning theories. EDCI 335 Learning Design.

James, H. N. (2020b, May 13). Motivation and learning. EDCI 335 Learning Design.

Intro Blog EDCI 335


I am so excited that I am enrolled in this class ! Last term when I completed EDCI 336, I really learned to value the importance of technology in the classroom. As such, I am looking forward to continue to blog all while deepening my knowledge around technology and cannot wait to start this learning journey.  As an education major, I am looking forward to learning with and from others! Some of my interests include dance, gymnastics and performing. I am lucky to be able to teach dance and help grow a small local dance studio. The following is the website I created for the dance studio using Wix site template