My Learning Journey-->

Category: EDCI 339 (Page 1 of 2)

Final Activity: Create

For this activity I wanted to try something new while including a learning journey of this course! I decided to make videos since it is a multimedia principle of learning , which aligns with the UDL guidelines and diverse learners. Thus the key outcome it reflected was “examine and reflect upon the potential for equitable access for all learners in online and open learning contexts” . 


  • Powtoon
  • Animaker

Week 2: Padlet

I learned how Padlet allows students to feel empowered (outcome: “Develop an awareness of the potential of human-centered learning in online and open learning contexts”) and inclined to learn (anonymous questions). It also helps foster peer learning as students can respond to questions as well!

Here is the Padlet I created based on the response! 

Created using TechSmith Capture

I found this video very interesting and it also supported my question!

Week 1: Webinar with Dr Barb Brown

Dr Brown’s webinar followed the outcome of “Exploring and engaging with current literature on the distributed and open education movement”. This was attained by the multiple resources she shared (Jamboard and Padlet for example). I learned how relationship building and ice breakers can be done in open and distributed environments. 

Twitter -Build a PLN Through Social Media -Ongoing

Overall, Twitter has helped me develop a long-term open learning community that extends beyond my classmates (through retweets, followers, resources…). The outcome reflected is “Practice digital networked and open literacies in support of learning about distributed and open learning” as it allows us to learn and openly share ideas.

Created using Canva

Topic 3: Community Contributions (Amanda)

Hi Amanda,

Amazing blog post and connection to UDL and inclusive education!

That’s super cool that you got to take a course around inclusion! I also learned from the readings on how to teach using these guidelines to create an online learning environment. I personally believe that these have helped me consider ways to further support learners and really think about design and it sounds like you did as well. I never really fully considered how learner equity can change based on educational delivery and lens, but your blog post made me further reflect on these ideas.

Yes, I agree that considering the disproportional results of students who have challenges is shocking and it just makes me think of how important it is to teach to diversity and adapt accordingly!

Great points and quotes around design and the importance of design especially in online learning! Before the readings I never realized how much of an impact design has online but I totally agree and thus think that it is crucial to adapt and work with the UDL guidelines as you suggested instead of looking and creating an imaginary “average learner”. I wonder if design in a classroom seems easier because you can adapt easier on the spot/ you are more familiar with this mode of teaching as online teachers who had to transition due to Covid were learning all at once….

Great Infographic I love this diagram and I will definitely use it and be thinking about it in the near future! Great visual!

I totally agree that choice in activity, expression and learning in general is key to success as it promotes student centered learning. Great cross-cultural connection of diverse identities and multimedia. It also suggests relationship building and collaboration all in one which is powerful.

Awesome work and great connections! You can really tell that you are thinking and considering all students and circumstances!

Topic 3: Community Contributions (Clara)

Hi Clara,

Very powerful and interesting blog post!

I really enjoyed how you opened up with acknowledging that it is harder to recognize different learning styles and abilities in open and online learning. I wonder what we can do to get to know more about our students learning styles… I totally agree we need to provide means for students to meet their needs and space for growth and mistakes!

I definitely agree with what regarding a group effort versus in the classroom where it is the teacher and students who create the meaningful environment. This statement acknowledges diversity and students various learning environments when online, which goes well with the quote you chose in the previous paragraph. Great pick! This made me think of how teachers can design the lesson but cannot control the environment which parallels your idea of open and distributed learning being more difficult to address authentic environments.

I think it is super powerful that you included multiple viewpoints in your blog. As well as you made a really great reference to topic one and the importance of relationships! The part you included from Selwyn is so relatable and such a good aspect to consider. I personally have found that I thrive in asynchronous learning environments when online and so I also can relate to what you are feeling going into September. At least we will be in the same boat!

Great ending paragraph, it is so crucial to teach to diversity in all learning environments and as such UDL guidelines can help us do that as you mentioned. I think it would be super beneficial to include a diagram or something from the UDL website (I remember you sharing one in our group project) would be a great visual to include near your UDL paragraph!

Your final sentence of considering how to support these groups is very important. It reminds me of a Shelley Moore video of teaching to diversity but specifically her analogy of bowling and hitting the pins on the outside as those are hardest to reach. Same concept!

Overall great blog post love how you included multiple perspectives as well as personal experience. The asynchronous and synchronous learning I think is a key aspect that should be considered, and I love how you brought that up in relation to our reading.

Topic 3: Community Contributions (Stephanie)

Hi Stephanie!

This is such a terrific blog post and great way to address the question!

I totally agree with your point around accessibility in relation to family’s financial situation. As you mentioned it is important to meet their needs by providing them with these technologies and resources. It was great to see this being done within our local school districts when everything switched to online learning due to Covid.

I really like the way you structured your blog post; it is almost as if it is steps of what to do to meet the needs of the children. UDL guidelines stresses the idea of choice and fosters that we all learn differently.

In your third paragraph I really enjoyed how you recognized the need for different spaces and how that can create a safe and give students choice as to what environment best suits their needs. The final sentence in that paragraph is so powerful and truly speaks to how education is more than just grades and assignments. Thus, it brings back the whole idea of student-centered learning as well as relationship building that extends beyond the classroom. One of my favourite quotes is “When one teaches, two learn.” (Robert Half). This just describes the collaboration and dynamics that are intended!

Adapting is so key to teaching and learning and I love how you included it and connected it to face to face vs online and that transition. Sometimes you have to change and be creative and what you shared is so true!

Great Info-graph I like the concluding thoughts as I definitely resonate with the idea that learning happens everywhere. As such it stresses that learning is a process and not just outcome based nor within the walls of a building (classroom). It is much much more!

Loved this post, all in all, I really liked the breakdown and structure related to 1. Accessibility, 2, UDL principles, 3. Learning spaces and 4. Adapting accordingly, as well as the great use of diagrams.

Topic 3 Blog

Individual post #3: How can you ensure equitable access to authentic, meaningful & relevant learning environments for all learners in K-12 open and distributed learning contexts? What did you already know, what do you know now based on the course readings and activities, what do you hope to learn?

Prior to the readings I was familiar with the UDL principles and the idea of inclusive education, however now I am more familiar with how to meet all student needs in an online setting as well. I hope to further learn techniques to create an effective online learning environment as I think that the process of learning about online learning is ever evolving and from this pandemic we will learn many useful skills that can be used for both online classes and platforms but also for in class. Technology is always developing and therefore we are learning from it and how the resources can be useful.

A key aspect in regard to creating an equitable, accessible, meaningful and authentic learning environment in online and open learning is design. In order to ensure that all students are the centre of their learning and that they are empowered in their learning, we must consider the diversity of student learners and a good way to do that is through the UDL principles. This provides multiple ways for students to succeed as it fosters options. As such, Basham et al., (2018), suggests that this model goal is “to remove barriers in curricula and across digital as well as physical learning environments.” (p.480). To learn more about the UDL guidelines visit: .

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According to Basham et al., (2018), these guidelines are “meant to proactively address the academic, social and cultural distinctions of today’s schools.” (p.480). As such it recognizes more than just the all external factors which makes me think of the psychological effect on children and how these considerations would lead to increased motivation. Which makes me think back to my Ed-d 301 class that addressed student needs in relation to self-determination theory and the circle of courage for example. As well as Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model as it parallels the idea that everything has an influence on the individual and the child is at the centre of their learning.

Retrieved from:

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These models can and should be considered when designing online lessons as they foster student engagement and motivation. Hence it allows children to be the centre of their learning. The designing principles suggested by Kral and Swab (2012) also align with this idea!

Therefore, the addressed factors above help guide us to create a purposeful design that will help empower our students in online and open learning environments. By considering UDL guidelines we are providing students with opportunity of choice that can support their individual learning styles and needs. Heather in our course Slack addressed the need of communication, this stresses the need of relationship building again online and shared a great article that helped teachers transition online. Throughout online learning I think it is important to align with FIPPA guidelines and meet student needs and worries. As such creating a safe space where the Kral and Swab principles can be accomplished through various means is crucial. As these cannot be accomplished until the students and families feel comfortable online and in open learning, we must foster the idea of the learning process and how mistakes are ok.


Basham, J.D., Blackorby, J., Stahl, S. & Zhang, L. (2018) Universal Design for Learning Because Students are (the) Variable. In R. Ferdig & K. Kennedy (Eds.), Handbook of research on K-12 online and blended learning (pp. 477-507). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University ETC Press.

CAST (2018). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.2. Retrieved from

Kral, I. & Schwab, R.G. (2012). Chapter 4: Design Principles for Indigenous Learning Spaces. Safe Learning Spaces. Youth, Literacy and New Media in Remote Indigenous Australia. ANU Press. Retrieved from:

Digital Equity and Perspective Pod Project

This is our Digital Equity and Perspective Resource. It focuses on a made up persona of a girl called Ella. Furthermore it addresses some of the barriers and needs of other students by addressing the UDL guidelines in relation to online and open learning. Hope you enjoy it!

Please use this link to view our 339 final group project

Please use this link to view our FlipGrid video

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