Hi Clara, great post! I really value the connection you made related to multimedia learning and how it can help you discover the way you best learn. This makes me think of how in our education classes we have used some of these strategies notably the think, pair, share model, various group work and hands-on experiences and some of the benefits related to it. As such, I also agree with this idea and see the benefits in all learning environments. As a result, I wish to incorporate it in my classroom as well as I feel as though providing various means (pictures and words) to support learning helps empower students. Finally, the aspect on digital storytelling was also powerful as it included cross curriculars related to First Peoples lens as well as life skills such as collaboration. The resource used Clicker Docs and reading the link you provided let me further discover some of the benefits. Something that stood out to me was that it can support the diversity of student learners as it helps those with reading and writing difficulties (such as dyslexia for example).
Hi Amanda, VR sounds so interesting and the benefits within the classroom are so unique! I wish that we could have had the opportunity to try it as well, but with Covid sadly ours was cancelled… Such a great experience, and I definitely agree that Virtual Reality can help support learning as it is a building block towards learning. First you read about it, then you actually experience it and it’s like a real-life experience. What better way to explain a concept than actually being immersed and going there! The audio and video thus support learning and the diversity of learners as it provides them with a hands-on experience. Even when traveling may not be available, it is the next closest thing to being there. Much more real and engaging then just reading about it. History and Social Studies could have been so much more engaging and easier to understand with this tool, that is for sure!
Hi Stephanie, awesome post and connections! A connection I made was that you addressed various forms that students learn by, whether that be visual, hands-on, through games etc. This made me think of the sensory input and the connection to our current topic around cognitive theory of multimedia. Meyers (2014), suggests that we move sensory input to long term memory. In regard to your point around storytelling, I also agree that it can have a huge impact on helping students learn as it allows students to learn using various styles (auditory, visual). I really liked your example of mneumonic devices as I also tend to use these. I also think they can have a place in the classroom as they are fun ways to learn and remember things. Perhaps a story could introduce this concept or the mneumonic devices could be make from a story. Â Something that stood out for me is how teaching styles that do not necessary use technology are prevalent in post-secondary classes, (ie: The Jigsaw and Think, Pair, Share methods). These methods lead to mastery and student-centered activities as like you said it empowers students to be an expert and learn from others! You as a teacher can be a learner also through this approach!
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