“Community of practice” is a singular term also known as CoP. The term was coined in 1991 by Etienne Wenger and Jean Laves book called Situated Learning. Nowadays, this term is used as learning networks, pods, thematic groups, tech clubs.
This term, my focus alongside my 3D printing project in Elementary Education has been a theory known as “communities of practice” (CoP). Upon discussing our masters project with our supervisor Michael, he suggested a book. The book is by Etienne Wenger-Trayner, written in 1998 called Communities of Practice: learning, meaning and identity. This book has been pivotal in our project design, especially as we want to make 3D printing more accessible for teachers. This book reinforces accessibility in terms of teachers feelings, access and community. Further articles we have read have reinforced the problem of adopting technology in Elementary Education.
Here is a summary of our discoveries which aligns with practice implementation and teacher’s needs. According to Cheng et al (2023), “It is necessary to provide more 3D printers and relevant resources so teachers can print 3D objects more efficiently and also engage students in activities in smaller groups.” (p.202). I chose this quote as it pieces together the need for resources, which extends beyond content to community as started in communities of practice. It is also shared amongst the Barron and Darling-Hammon (2008) “teachers need time -and a community- to support their capacity to organize sustained project work.” (p.12).
As such, these above quotes and ideas have always been within my practice especially as a French Immersion teacher. As a French Immersion teacher, you really create a community where you rely on your colleges. Within every school I have taught at, French Immersion teachers are constantly reinventing the wheel and thinking about solutions that have most of the time been created or discovered in English but not yet there in French. Working as a team and bouncing off ideas in French meetings, conferences or other occasions have been beneficial for my growth and practice. This Friday for our Provincial Pro D day, I will continue to foster this idea of community of practice by hosting a collaborative workshop and taking part in a café causerie to support collaboration and French Immersion teaching connectiveness.
Let’s focus a bit more on what I have learnt about communities of practice through Wenger (1998) book. Its simplicity and relevancy is something so intriguing to me, but yet it is something that teaching is often lacking. It is a collaborative workplace, where as teachers you work with so many different professionals; from other teachers, to counsellors, to social workers, principals, learning support teachers, language teachers, community members, parents, doctors and students. All with the goal to best meet each child’s needs. In school, there are groups and committees and teams to help create a community to support learning. However, when it comes to resource availability and sharing; there is limited communities (you can find some on virtual platforms). However there is no singular place to be like hey teachers I tried out this lesson plan and I want new ideas. I guess you can say that Artificial Intelligence may be making those questions more accessible. Yet that still doesn’t solve the issue of community and communities of practice. You may wonder what is a community of practice.
The teachers framework of an open accessible online repository is a different framework of Teachers Pay Teachers and in 3D printing we are lucky to have Thigiverse which is an open source community of practice that allows for feedback and collaboration. Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT) is actively opposing this theory and New teachers who know of Creative Commons are trying to change this and create communities that are constantly being moderated and updated. My Masters project partner, Krystal also discusses the need to step away from TPT. There are current OER’s accessible such as the BCTF Open Educational Resources, however they are not widely known about or contribute to, Therefore communities of practice as stated by Wenger (1999), encourages contributions and engagement for better learning.
This article: “Communities of Practice, a brief introduction” (pdf) further explores the concept of communities of learning.
For Krystal and my masters project, we will address this theory in our literature review. As we know there are benefits to a community of practice specifically related to technology support and 3D printing. Wegner’s University of Wisconsin article posted above stresses that “Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.” This aligns directly with our purpose and through our design process of Github,we are planning to insert a collaborative function using Github discussion thread to encourage problem solving and community.
Here is a Github QuickStart Guide, we are currently discovering. We plan to use this as support to integrate discussion forums and communties of practice for our Chapter 3 project design.
The following video is quite interesting as it opens us up to possibilities and reflection on the education system and supports technology can bring in correlation with the Communities of Practice framework.
Example with a Creative Commons License, in my opinion all resources should be creative commons licenced and widely available to align with CoP’s framework. Our resource will be and will even promote discussion and connectiveness. The following is a similar example, titled Creating Communities of practice that you can refer to.
All in all I created a poster to encourage educators to participate and engage in communities of practice, especially when adopting new technologies. Communities of practice are everywhere and you are likely already apart of one as stated by Wegner (1999).
The poster outlines some of the process and benefits of CoP’s. Beginning with Professional Development and interest in a specific idea, for example 3D printing. Then moving towards self-efficacy and perhaps being anxious to begin. Therefore join a community of practice can boost confidence, further expand collaboration with others future improvements of shared documents and ultimately expanding teachers skills and core competencies.

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