Today Kati and I met to discuss our upcoming assignment 2 project. During this process we were able to refine our topic and start our research journey based on topics of interest. We have decided to do our upcoming assignment on Language Learning and Technology. Our lens for this presentation will be to talk about this subject from both our lenses as teachers. Kati as a Literacy intervention teacher where she supports students with diverse abilities and myself as a French Immersion teacher.
Some of the articles we found and will further discuss during our interactive presentation are the following (to access these you must be logged into UVic). These are specific to French Immersion but we will also further explore more articles in terms of Second Language Learning and Technology
- E-inclusion in Early French Immersion Classrooms: Using Digital Technologies to Support Inclusive Practices That Meet the Needs of All Learners
- Gamifying French Language Learning: a case study examining a quest-based, augmented reality mobile learning-tool
We look forward to embarking on this journey and sharing our experiences. We are looking at using digital tools such as Jamboard and Kahoot to engage our peers throughout our presentation.
Accordingly this brings me to a topic of discussion which is
- How are you organizing yourself to engage with research about educational technology?
Throughout this collaboration, Kati and I have been in the process of discovering Zotero. We learned how to create a group on Zotero and share our research and articles. This has made our research process more fluid as we make annotations and highlight key information in our shared folder. Using this research tool has benefited us as we collaborate on this assignment. Although we are able to meet in person (as we did today), some of our cohort members are not and I believe this feature will be well liked and used by many.
If you want to learn more about Zotero, feel free to visit the Digital Scholarship Commons Workshops
Furthermore, the organization part of research is crucial especially as we embark in our final long term masters project and learning this feature was key for us as we started our group project. In my Zotero, I have created a group with Kati as I stated above. I also have some previous folders for research I did related to digital badges. Recently other folders I have added include folders for our class readings in EDCI 570 and EDCI 515. Finally, my last folder is my final project folder (although later on this may result in more sub categories as I refine my topic).
When researching today we learned many features of Zotero (including making groups and adding videos to Zotero), we continued to practice our research skills by following the advance search guidelines on the University of Victoria Library website that Justin outlined in our EDCI 515 course presentation.
I look forward to continuing to create our Assignment 2: Team research presentation and to sharing our key findings with everyone. Stay tuned for more updates.
For now, here is a video that introduces some of the impacts of technology on second language learning.
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