I am looking forward to this term and looking ahead at the upcoming assignments, I am excited to get a start on my final masters project. During the summer, my Masters project partner and I have dove into some research and we are keen to get started.

Furthermore, upon reading this weeks articles, The Landscape of Merging Modalities and Twenty Years of Tech. Here are some of my reflections. I really appreciated the timeline of tech that the Twenty Years of Tech walked us through. I found it very interesting especially in terms of my digital badging research background and interest and where that timeline fit within other developments. This made me further reflect on my future research of 3D printing and how 3D printing is not even mentioned in this timeline. Yet, I believe this is very important in our technology timeline. There are many sites that look specifically at the 3D printing timeline, notably this infographic provides a great summary and as we dive into our research more, I am sure we will be able to see cross connections of other technologies that are growing at similar times.

Another key aspect and consideration that was brought forward in The Landscape of Merging Modalities was that:

“We must focus on the meaning of our words in order to create a shared understanding for the future of our academic discourse, our professional practice, and our learners.”

As teachers I and Master of Educational Technology students, I believe this is a vital consideration, as meaningful design and practice is so important for our learners. In an ever changing technology world, there are many opportunities but we must carefully consider what already exist to help us all grow.

Finally as an end note, I was never aware that there was a digital literacy framework and I believe that this framework should be widely shared and looked at by all educators. As all students should get this experience and this document serves as a great guide. It is great that they say the suggested grades is just a guidance, as for with 3D printing and most technologies, I see the benefits of starting learners young to learn to use technology to their learning benefit. I wanted to share the link to the Digital Literacy Framework as it should be shared.