“Music is one of the first places where racism breaks down. Music is so easy to get at: You can just sit there, relax and listen. The colour of the person doesn’t matter.” (Morrow, 2013, para 14)

I wanted to start my post with a quote that Mr. Aoki shared to CBC Globe and Mail. As someone who values the Arts, I believe that this statement is true and in my experience music and specifically dance have been great coping mechanisms that have shaped my practice. Much like Mr. Aoki I use music daily in my life. As teachers it is important to understand and dive deep into our pasts to help us understand our roots and better the future. Thus as Aoki shares it is important to uncover and understand ourselves first.

A quote that stood out to me was “I should learn to see life within the fullness of a double or even a multiple vision” (Pinar & Irwin, 2004, p.347). This in teaching is so crucial as many of our learners have diverse backgrounds and we must teach to all their needs and experiences. I believe that my experience of having a disability has shaped some of my experiences and when reading about Aoki’s story, there were similarities. I think reading and learning about past histories allows us as people and educators to understand and be more empathetic. As such doing the best you can to promote change and better the future is important and even more meaningful when you understand and can make connections to your past experiences.

In regards to the key questions where am I currently and where could I be in the future. I feel as though I am a passionate and dedicated lifelong learner who is committed to collaborate and grow. This year, I participated in not only professional practice but also more personal self-care, which has only made me stronger as an educator and person. It was a challenging year for me teaching in my classroom with numerous events. These experiences have only made me grow. In the future, I strive to be a mentor as I have had so many individuals that have contributed positively to my journey.


Pinar, W. F., & Irwin, R. L. (2004). Reflections of a Japanese Canadian Teacher Experiencing Ethnicity 1 (1979). In Curriculum in a New Key (1st ed., pp. 333–348). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781410611390-26

Morrow, F. (2013, Feb 19). Harry Aoki, 91, overcame wartime internment to flourish as a musician. The Globe and Mail.  https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/harry-aoki-91-overcame-wartime-internment-to-flourish-as-a-musician/article8876769/?service=mobile