Whether or not you view yourself as a math, science, language arts teacher, there is always more to it. Teachers support children through multidisciplinary subjects to support not only intellectual development, but also mental, physical, emotional and spiritual development. As such, we need to create a well rounded and diversified classroom through perhaps the arts mindset or dance pedagogy approach (which could be an effective mindset).  Dance is thus a tool to support children’s wellbeing in a multidimensional way, as stated by the following article: Dance Pedagogy Mindset Research Article.

Therefore this supports last weeks theme of mental health and wellbeing, but this article also refers to the idea that it extends to our social development as well. As a result, students who are exposed to dance tend to show more empathy as they are able to communicate their emotions better as well as work with others. This is important as dance can serve as a tool in the classroom, to create a caring, accepting atmosphere where all children feel valued. Dance also uses movements which can support the diversity of learners in the classroom as it gives them the opportunity to learn kinaesthetically.

Furthermore, the following link describes how a teacher adopted this dance mindset http://etfovoice.ca/node/628 

In this article it describes the importance of dance as it uses the whole body to “learn  about themselves and the world around them” and how their confidence,
motivation, engagement, risk taking and creativity increased. These are all values that can be transferable to life skills and as a result is one of the many reason I believe in a dance pedagogy and wish to support this in my future classroom.